2 Month Group Coaching Program, Online Course & Accountability Community


Empowering people pleasers to go from drained and overgiving to feeling more in control of their time and energy.


You know the benefits of self care and boundaries but HOW to put them into practice is just SO difficult.


You know you’re a people pleaser, often putting others first and not having enough time or energy for yourself. You’ve been trying to change but you get so frustrated with yourself as you just can’t seem to say no, you keep agreeing to things that you don’t want to do. You hate letting people down. 

You’re overworked, over-tired and SO over this way of living. The dream for you is a life where things feel more easeful, you have time to do the things you enjoy and you have ENERGY to do these things. 

You’re tired of being let down by other people and you want more two-way friendships. Speaking up for yourself is so hard, you feel awkward to ask for what you want or to even know what that actually is. Trying to tell yourself to stop worrying what other people think barely helps. So you have read an Instagram post or two, maybe listened to a podcast or attended therapy, but putting in boundaries just seems so difficult.

People know you as kind, generous and empathic. They go to you for help, they trust you and they open up to you. You don’t want to let that go, you like that about yourself, even though it can take it’s emotional toll. But although you want to put boundaries in place, you fear it will make you seem unkind, mean or rude. Maybe that people won’t like you and you can't bear rejection or losing friends. 

But underneath it all you know deep connection and acceptance from others is possible for you. You dream of a life where you are more fulfilled, empowered and confident.


 Imagine what it would be like if…

  • You could unlock the tools to be a pro at boundaries AND feel like a kind person -  skillfully expressing your needs, with kindness.

  • You could learn how to be a generous person AND still have energy for yourself - giving when it’s genuine and feels good.

  • You could become authentic AND handle displeasing others - giving you the freedom to be yourself.

  • You could discover how to still be empathic AND not feel drained by taking on other people’s emotions- keeping your great understanding qualities but also your energy.

  • You could learn how to confidently say no to others AND not feel overwhelmed with guilt - giving you so much more time to do the things you want to do.

Compassionate Boundaries group program is designed to help you live an aligned life that is authentic to you.


 Hi, I’m Nicola and I’m a Recovering People Pleaser and therapist!

I know first-hand what it’s like to feel the pull of people-pleasing and how difficult it can be to shift it. Through my own personal and professional journey, I now consider myself a people-pleaser ‘in recovery.’

People-pleasing, perfectionism and anxiety are my specialisms in my therapy practice. I have helped 100’s of clients over the last 8 years to become more fulfilled, empowered and conscious in their lives. I find that teaching people compassionate boundaries to be one of the most helpful tools to give to people. Most clients need help in this area, but particularly people-pleasers..and I have worked with a lot of these!

Learning about boundaries was transformational in my life, giving myself permission to actually communicate what I want, rather than my usual habit and expectation to go along with what everyone else wants. I needed the permission, the know how and the support to start putting compassionate boundaries in place and become more empowered. I learnt this through my own journey - personal therapy, therapy training and clinical work. It took some time and some practice, it wasn’t always comfortable, but over time I started to value my authentic self and felt so much happier and healthier when valuing authenticity over pleasing others.

I love to help people to become more compassionate to themselves and others through boundary work, so I have created this course to share my boundary wisdom!Together we are going to help you recover from the people pleasing habit and reconnect with your authentic self.


  • Nicola you changed my life ❤️ I now have the confidence to set appropriate boundaries and all of my relationships are better for it. I recommend you to everyone I meet who needs some help - you’re incredible!

  • “Nicola has an incredibly open approach which makes you feel welcome and understood. It is evident that She has extensive knowledge in her field which she is keen to share. She has a very inclusive approach to her practice - she takes time to get to know you as an individual and tailors her approach to meet your needs. I can highly recommend attending either a group or individual session with Nicola.”

    — E.D

  • “Nicola is genuine, warm and caring and immediately makes you feel at ease. She listens well and has a way of working that has allowed me to look at things from a slightly different angle and this has been really useful.”

    — C.J

  • “Warm and compassionate professional and resourceful Nicola has a wealth of experience in many modalities and yet is modest and friendly with a gentle understanding and caring approach I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking emotional development, support and self awareness..”

    — A.C

When You Join The Compassionate Boundaries Group Program You Will Get…

Compassionate Boundaries Online Course: My 3-module course, with a recorded bitesize video lesson each week. You can watch anytime at your leisure.  

Weekly Group Coaching Call: Every week for 2 months we will have a 1hr group coaching call with like minded people pleasers, where we troubleshoot issues and go more in depth on the week's lesson. Gives great accountability and support. 

Personal Workbook: To record your reflections and to complete exercises between lessons, ensuring that you apply what we learn. This is printable and downloadable.

Recorded meditations: Super charge your self care with some recorded meditations to help restore and reconnect with you.

Access To Our Private Facebook Group: Connect with other group members to share wins and receive support and tips.

Plus if you reserve your spot in the group by 12/12/22 you will receive these special bonuses:

Private Coaching session: Complimentary private coaching session with me where we can explore in more depth an area of your choice.

“Warm and compassionate professional and resourceful Nicola has a wealth of experience in many modalities and yet is modest and friendly with a gentle understanding and caring approach I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking emotional development, support and self awareness..”


“Nicola has an incredibly open approach which makes you feel welcome and understood. It is evident that She has extensive knowledge in her field which she is keen to share. She has a very inclusive approach to her practice - she takes time to get to know you as an individual and tailors her approach to meet your needs. I can highly recommend attending either a group or individual session with Nicola.”


 Maybe you’re worried making big changes feels too daunting?


I totally understand where you are coming from. On my journey, I still do have moments where I think “oh no I can’t say that, it feels too forward”, BUT what helps the most is support from others that really value me and want me to be a more authentic, truthful, empowered person. Combined with information to help me work out what it is that I really want and provide mindset shifts. This is what Compassionate Boundaries does, provides support, encouragement, information to empower YOU to work out what you want and need and put that into place.

A key part of the process is using the Japanese word ‘kaizen’ meaning - gradual continuous improvement. We will look at making small, regular changes in your life to make sustainable progress. If you try to change all your people-pleasing habits at once, you may go into emotional overwhelm and it’ll feel too much or even if you manage it, it might not be sustainable. We want to make small, effective, continuous changes to your relationship to yourself and others that feel manageable and where you have the space to work out what feels authentic to you.

 The Course at a Glance

Module 1: Boundaries For Self-care

Really get to grips with what you want more of your life. Together we create the boundaries to start giving you the time and energy to do that.

Module 2: Boundaries With Others

Review how your relationships are working for you and break down the boundaries needed to create more balance and harmony in your relationships.

Module 3: Barriers To Boundaries

We look at the hiccups and hindrances to boundaries, together we look at how to overcome barriers to more easefully communicate your needs.


This is your time to feel more joy and cultivate healthier relationships with yourself and others


It’s time to start living the life you want to live. You deserve to get your needs met and still be the kind, compassionate person that you are. 

After a couple of months, you will have the self-awareness to know what you need AND want, have more confidence and knowledge to express that, you’ll know how to handle the challenges that come with changing how you relate to yourself and others. You will feel supported and motivated to go further than you’ve done before at being more authentic. 

My hope is that you will feel a great sense of achievement, by overcoming the barriers that have held you back for so long. Every week, I witness people becoming more liberated with the permission, insight and support to express themselves in a way that feels comfortable to them. 

We all want to be truly seen and heard and I will show you how to do that, creating more self-acceptance and worthiness.



  • 3-module online course access

  • Comprehensive workbook/journal-printable and downloadable

  • Weekly 1hr group coaching - to problem solve application of your weekly goals

  • Invitation for group support on private Facebook group.

  • Plus book by 12/12/22 and receive a private coaching session with me worth £150.


£497 GBP £298 beta price

This is the first time I am running this group so I am offering a 60% discount for this round only!


  • 3-module online course access

  • Comprehensive workbook/journal-printable and downloadable

  • Weekly group coaching- to problem solve application of your weekly goals

  • Invitation for group support on a private Facebook group.

  • Plus book by 12/12/22 and receive a private coaching session with me woth £150.


£248.50 GBP £149.1 per month for 2 months

This is the first time I am running this group so I am offering a 60% discount for this round only!

Some more testimonials…

  • “Nicola has an incredibly open approach which makes you feel welcome and understood. It is evident that She has extensive knowledge in her field which she is keen to share. She has a very inclusive approach to her practice - she takes time to get to know you as an individual and tailors her approach to meet your needs. I can highly recommend attending either a group or individual session with Nicola.”

    — E.D

  • Nicola you changed my life ❤️ I now have the confidence to set appropriate boundaries and all of my relationships are better for it. I recommend you to everyone I meet who needs some help - you’re incredible!


  • This course is not therapy or counselling, its psychoeducational material combined with coaching from a therapist with group support.

  • Weekly recorded lessons appear each week for you to watch anytime for up to a year after the course finishes. I release the lessons weekly, so that you don’t get overwhelmed with all the information in the course at once.

  • We have the private Facebook group where you can tag me in questions and I will reply. You can also ask me questions in the weekly Q & A calls.

  • The group calls are optional to attend live and so is speaking up in them. I encourage people to ask questions or share if you feel comfortable. You are welcome to attend just to listen, even to turn your camera off. They are also recorded so you can watch back if you prefer.

  • The lesson is a maximum of 15 minutes (to watch on demand or listen to). The weekly group call will be 1 hour and the workbook exercises 15-30 mins each week.

  • All group coaching sessions will be recorded and available shortly after the session online for you to watch back at your leisure.

  • I would love for you to be completely satisfied in this program, but if for some reaason it’s not working out for you, please get in touch at hello@nicolasharp.com


Are you ready to take the next steps to feel freer in expressing yourself, speaking up with confidence, kindness and connecting more deeply with others? 

 This program was built to help you do just that, in 2 months you could feel like you are reclaiming yourself, know what you want and need and actually put in the boundaries to be well on your way to achieving that.

If you feel called to join the program, join the waitlist to be the first to hear how you can sign up.