Join the Compassionate Boundaries waitlistโ€ฆ

Empowering people pleasers to go from drained and overgiving to feeling more in control of their time and energy.

Compassionate Boundaries is an 8-week live group program that empowers people-pleasers to start prioritising themselves and communicate their needs authentically and compassionately.

Whatโ€™s included in Compassionate Boundaries:

Compassionate Boundaries Online Course: My 2-module course, with a recorded bitesize video lesson each week. You can watch them anytime at your leisure.  

Weekly Group Coaching Call: Every week for 2 months we will have a 1hr group coaching call with like-minded people pleasers, where we troubleshoot issues and go more in-depth on the week's lesson. Gives great accountability and support. 

Personal Workbook: Record your reflections and complete exercises between lessons, ensuring that you apply what we learn. This is printable and downloadable.

Recorded meditations: Supercharge your self-care with some recorded meditations to help restore and reconnect with you.

Access To Our Private Facebook Group: Connect with other group members to share wins and receive support and tips.

It is possible to be boundaried AND be kind!